Secret garden….

About 2 months ago my husband and I planted a veggie garden.  We have been talking about it for a while but one Sunday we got up and went and did it and it has been a source of amusement and amazement ever since.  Everyday I like to go out there with my dog and inspect the leaves for bugs and welcome new shoots. Sometimes if I have time I hand water.  This simple act of tending to the earth brings me so much joy.  The fact that you can watch this creation evolve day after day, that out of nothing comes something so bountiful and delicious that then nurtures you seems to me like a little bit of wonder!

Actually to me it seems purely magically.  Take for example the asparagus we have growing.  We planted this 4 years ago from seed and as far as we were concerned it was just a weed growing in the corner.  However, when we recently made over our veggie garden and replanted, we cut it all back.  Low and behold there are asparagus shoots sprouting up all over the place now.  One day there is nothing,  the next day there will be 4 new spears ready for picking.  My mind loves this.  Nothing then something, all you have to do is feed the soil a little, spend a little time watering and give it some daily attention.

So I couldn’t help connecting that often this is the way we grow and be bountiful as well.  If you want to manifest something in yourself or in your life, then surely it must be a little the same. First get yourself in an enabling, supportive environment.  If I planted the seeds to my veggie garden in gravel, I don’t think anything would have grown.  We are similar.  For example, If you want to promote a positive attitude in yourself, it is going to be harder to achieve that if you hang out with people that do little else but point out your short comings.  Seek out those environments which are most conducive to what you want to achieve and then let yourself be effected by the environment, let it slowly influence you until it becomes second nature to you.

Next you will need nourishment, water and sunlight or as I like to think of these things, passion, courage and faith.  Passion is whatever you love doing.  It could be cross stitching, reading french literature, cooking, whatever, just let yourself spend some time doing these activities regularly.  There is nothing like spending time doing activities that you are passionate about or that inspire you. I feel it every time I pick up a philosophy book, a certain fire just ignites in me no matter how tired or how busy I am.  Courage is a wonderful precursor of growth.  For all of us who have been stuck due to one fear or another at some stage in our life, there is no greater feeling that finding the courage to move past the fear.  My regular fear is failure.  Each time I am courageous enough to move past that fear I feel fantastic.  When I don’t, and I stay stuck in fear I now feel a little disappointed in my self, like I have let myself down. Then there is faith.  This faith is faith in yourself.  When you know yourself, your ethics, your shadow, your weaknesses, your strengths – faith in yourself can gain a foothold and grow from there.

Who would have thought there is so much knowledge on  how to live and thrive growing all around us just waiting for us to pause long enough to have a conversation with it.  I guess I finally did pause and in doing so have found a new passion – gardening.


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